Monday, June 15, 2009

Dealing With The Major Decisions

Throughout the course of life, there are times when you have to make major decisions that will affect your marriage. These definitely deserve time for deep conversation and time for each of you to come together in prayer both on your own and together.

There always should be a format that is used for these type of decisions.

1.) Seek counsel from the trinity.

Go to the trinity of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit first and foremost. Let them guide you in your final decision. Be careful of counsel from outside sources. If you do seek outside counsel be sure that it is Godly and not just someone else's opinion.

2.) Focus on the final outcome and not on the course, by counting the costs.

Be sure the outcome is what is best for your family and marriage in the long run. Just because the course looks attractive or fun, it may no be what is in the best interest of your family and marriage.

3.) Do not rush into anything.

These decisions take time to really consider and to put up in prayer. Make sure they are done in God's time and not your own. If you don't know what to do, then it is better to do nothing than to rush and do the wrong thing. God will tell you what to do when He wants you to do it.

Remember God is soverign and reveal what he wants to you, when you need it. You can't rush God. Matthew 7:24 teaches us to build our house on the rock of Jesus and your house will not fall."

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