Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Set Goals Together

We all know the importance of setting goals both long and short term for our lives. We do it for ourselves, our children, careers, and everything else. It is also important to set goals for your marriage.

Sit down with each other and create a plan to reach both your long and short term goals as a couple, and family. It has often been said that the plan didn't fail, it was that you failed to plan. Before the Holy Spirit can guide and direct your plan, you must first provide a plan.

You can have all of the faith in the world, but we know that without works, faith is dead. When you make goals together it binds your marriage together into oneness. Habakkuk 2:2 states, "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it." Take time to write it down and make a systematic plan to reach your goals.

It will cause you to cleave to one another. Set different types of goals such as spiritual, financial, administrative, family, educational goals together as one.

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