Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mix It Up

It is so unbelieveably critical that you keep things new and fresh within your marriage. The worst thing that you can do is get stuck in a rut doing the same things over and over again. Change schedules around, keep it spontaneous and fun. I know that there are somethings that have to be on a schedule, but that is not everything. Even if you do the same things, but change the time it can work wonders in your marriage.

When the week becomes so predictible that your spouse knows exactly what you are doing, for how long, what time, what day of the week things tend to get boring awfully fast. When that happens, your spouse can stop paying attention to you. They feel that there is nothing more to learn, so why should they have to pay attention.

When your spouse doesn't have any desire to pay attention to you it opens the door to lack of communication, lack of affection, lack of excitement, and boredom. All of which if they enter into your marriage can lead to devastating effects within your marriage. Simply put they can all be stopped, if you would just mix it up.

Don't try to change everything at once because it can lead to chaos and confusion, which can also raise havoc within the marriage. Make small changes at a time. At first you probably won't even notice them until you make several of them where you can see the cumalative change.

Just always remember you responsibilities to your family and that nothing gets left behind. Reinvent ways to ensure everything that is necessary still completed. Nothing of importance should be neglected in the name of mixing it up.

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