Thursday, May 28, 2009

Time Apart

The Bible teaches that we are to be each other's best friend and be one with one another. It does not say that we have to be joined at the hip 24/7 everyday of the year. As a married couple, you must understand that every now and then you need some time apart. There is a fine line between too much time and not enough time apart.

Take time to recharge your battery and a fresh view. When you come back to your spouse you will be rejuvenated and refreshed. Husbands and wives need time to reflect on things both together and apart. When you miss someone, it makes you appreciate them that much more. If they are always there, then often times you will just expect them to do certain things and lose appreciation for them.

There are times when a disagreement occurs, you need to take a moment alone with God to just pray about it first. James 1:19 says,"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath." Do not feel guilty for needing time away. Come back together in love and humility.

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