Monday, January 19, 2009

Choose Your Mate Wisely

Life is full of decisions, whether it is something simple or complex. We make decisions from the time we get up to the time that we go to bed. However, there are some major life decisions that we must take considerable time otherwise they can mean devastation if we are not careful.

It is critical to understand that life decisions are long lasting and life changing. The number one decision that you will make in life is that of you will marry. The word of God, teaches that God hates divorce. In Genesis 2:18, says that"It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." Then in Matthew 19:6, the Bible says, "Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."

We are therefore not to always seek God first and foremost in our lives. When you have to put something together or assemble something, you are provided with a instruction manual. When you choose to do it your way, something is almost guaranteed to be incorrect. Use the Bible as your instruction manual for your marriage. God created the institution of marriage, so he should be your source of what to do at all times.

When you follow the system of the world in your marriage, you are taking a gamble. Why would you want to gamble with someone else's life? Why would you want to put your own relationship with God at risk?

Choose someone that you are equally yolked. Choose your spouse based on God and how you see Jesus in them.

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